Can I skip the Star Wars episodes and dive into the Pod Night Shyamacast and continue onward, or will there be too many references and in-jokes that I'll miss out on?
TIL there’s a page on Wikipedia of Lana del rey unreleased songs!
Movies that gave you nightmares as a child?
What does this circle of arrows next to one of my logged films mean?
Do you remember the first R-rated movie you ever saw in the theater?
Was Ayo Edebiri's emmy win not aired in the UK?
Which tv show has the best Season 5 ever in your opinion?
Most generic TV show opening song/sequence?
My friend got me this old dvd she found at a thrift store up in the mountains for my bday. Thought I’d share with all of you
Hulu episodes?
How long would a complete binge watch of Borneo take?
What is the stupidest challenge idea that you have?
What ssn to watch
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