[Berman] Texans cut QB Jeff Driskel.
Some thoughts as we approach the Final DLC
Cam Newton was looking like he would start for the Patriots this season. Then he refused to get vaccinated and had to avoid practicing with the team for awhile. During that time he lost his starting spot and lost his job.
What wizard tower stats do I need to unlock spontaneous edifice?
Who seems like a bust so far?
Who will grab second place in the AFC West?
Do it
Tell me who you main and I’ll tell you what food I’d serve you
What are they building on Ingram Mill by the Breeze laundromat?
What's your favorite horror movie scene?
Your friend says that he/she is homosexual. 6th emoji in your phone is your reaction
Umbreon rule
Store owner is confronted over transphobic sign
Who Would You Want To See Next?
Anon can’t believe Patrick is the American Psycho
Favorite Big Bang character?
I fucking hate youtubers.
Your doorbell rings, you go to open it but stop when you see this. Your 5th emoji is your response
The Survivor Iceberg
But. . . How?
I got this achievement on my tenth game as killer, is this rare?
What do y’all think about mastiffs?
My iPhone screen is partially messed up, bad.
Who Do You Think In the MCU Is Worthy Of Holidng Mjolnir? (Can Be Dead Or Alive)