Kit builds > Imports
Looking to buy a desert eagle
She said she only likes guys with dimples 😔
88 Izzy
Brothers in Arms
Buy 7n6 can, never shoot, get excited for next 7n6 can
Will it ever move..?
Should I modernize it?
Plum needs 4 hours of sunlight per day, minimum.
Coupla 88s 😎
What’s an appropriate amount of money to pay for a 5.45 gun in 2024/2025??? Help
Early Tula’s
Mixture of Russian 762x39 bakelites Tula and Izzy Cyrillic, Dot Molds, Longtops, blank disc
AK's for Christmas!
T3 Reweld…. Value?
1962 Tula akm
This still is hope
Dont mind me just another poor soul with their package stuck in the infinite void of Indianapolis…
i am seriously considering driving down to jacksonville
M13 converted Norinco
Trying to be patient. But at what point do i need to call or send an email about it possibly being missing?
Want to upgrade ak
I guess I’ll add to the complaints
what do you guys think?