Is this deck a 3? People complained...
What item do you like, not being of how good it is, but you personally just like it?
Why do people on Reddit and Twitter hate Charlie?
Seeing all the people saying how they try to create elaborate servers and pick specific builds to use with Plex...i wonder.Am i the only one that uses his everyday desktop PC for Plex and has no major issues with it?
your classic batch script backdoor
Josh is doing SOMETHING.
Soulless Sony Games vs Soul Nintendo Games
Consoomer is given advice, proceeds to ignore it and spend the value of a used car on a pc for fake internet points
Rape my collection
Which Animated show have you seen that is just the embodient of this image?
Some jerk ruined our ladies magic night and I want revenge!
I'm using vanced for now
Would I build like this even be safe to do
what was your first ps3 game ?
Adventure Time is the best show Cartoon Network ever made. Hands down.
Absolute gem of a game
Friendly reminder about the recent pricing of boxes
Disney wont let me use my VPN
Why do you pirate aside from the money factor?
Name one thing PS3 does better than modern consoles
After 10 years of desk gaming, I went onto the couch phase lads
Is this savable?
I got a ounce for $40. Why does it look like this?
After 15 years of being with Spectrum internet, I finally got my first warning.
Games with no real ending