Let's show that trans people are human.
Aunt sent me this in the mail
what is your all time favorite, absolutely no skips, album?
what's something that you know you're better than 98% of people at?
What is the thing you find disgusting but others don't?
What Do You Think Is the Most Depressing Anime of All Time?
Which author/poet would be a cool character to add to BSD?
Anime that is normal about women (for an “anime hater” who wants to give it a fair shot)
Examples of anime that are NOT for kids
To those on T Gel, what do you do when waiting for the gel to dry?
What are everyone’s numbers?
Rapid mood swings?
How do i make a therapy appointment?
Am I overreacting or was this guy rude?
I think my life is fake
My Aunt’s piss shower
Let’s finish the last row:
I just can’t see it…
What’s one quote that has stuck with you and why?
Pick the next BSD peep.
I cut off a friend of 13 years, AIO?
What's the worst name for a business you've seen?
I think I should detransition but I don't want to [ftm17]
What do you listen to during sex?
Can we hold down jobs? High stress ones?