Upcoming Champion Skins and Cosmetics - Modding Discord Leaks
Warhammer Workshop - Space Marine 2 Mods
SPOILER - Upcoming Melee Weapon Confirmed!
First Person Mode - Early Footage
Play the Apothecary and Chaplain Classes Now! : ASTARTES 3 MOD
Creator of popular Space Marine 2 mod, Astartes, has been hired as a Gameplay Design Lead on The Witcher 4.
Astartes 3.0 Mod Now LIVE!
Astartes Overhaul 2.0 Release
New Sneak Peek for Astartes Mod – Can't Wait to Play It!
I just saw this beauty’s sneak peek on the Astartes Mod Discord.
Why No January Update?!
Upcoming Apothecary Class for Astartes Overhaul 3.0
Give me the Power Axe and my life is yours!!!
Astartes Overhaul 2.1 is HERE! Celebrate 10,000 Members with Epic New Features!
Which Other Emblems Would You Like to See Added to Astartes Overhaul? (Find it on Nexus Mods)
[MOD] New Heraldry Customizations Guide
Mark VII early???
🎉 Astartes Overhaul is Live on Nexus Mods! 🎉
What’s the point of being a season pass owner when modders can get the same for free and earlier?
Astartes Retributor
Looks like PvE modding is a go
Blade Guard Veterans
Alpha (Omega) Legion Bladeguard Veterans