What dose it mean if a guy likes a woman's post but it's only her face picture??
Which protection is the best from getting pregnant?
What’s your age range?
How can you get someone's attention through social media?
How can i get some ones attention??
Birthday alone, friends don't remember
Whats the weirdest thing anyone friends/family member said to you?
Do you miss high school? Why or why not?
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
Whats ended your friendship?
What makes you swipe left on a dating app profile immediately?
what’s a completely irrational reason you stopped liking someone?
What’s a social norm you secretly wish would disappear?
Do you love being introvert?
Phrases that make introverts panic??
When was the last time you cried?
People are weird
When did you realize your friend/s were pretty immature?
Introverts, what are your hobbies?
Be honest, what's actually holding you back from living your best life?
Fuck Facebook an instagram. We don’t need social media. We need real life social interactions in person.
Feeling lost why now?
Where is the best place to move to??
Whats the most shocking thing anyone has ever told you?