Good things to have to setup bedroom for potential intakes?
I'll doodle your Cat😊 Let's go!
Experience with Kirkland brand dog food/treats?
What I ordered VS What I received 😖
Setting a commuter park as special parking for an event, wtf Aurora?
Let’s talk dream studios
Over Budget Average & Profile Tips
[Request] Norway to USA
Upper $ Limit on Holiday Gifts
Change of address
Question about including social handles.
comment a nice picture of your cat and i'll draw a picture of them :)
Can I sign up for happy holidays and Happy Holidays redux...
Proposal: National Quit with No Notice Day (Day Before Thanksgiving)
Where to take your cat during open house?
I created a map of ~1,500 aerial and pole studios!
F/u to me previous post about what to wear; here is what I got for classes. Are the shorts a good length?
Website down?
Pole newbie - what to wear for classes?
I want to start but am nervous
Do you buy your Halloween candy at Costco?
I’m bored. Let me draw your cats!
I'll draw your cat. Send photos in the comments;)
Anyone looking for a career change into litigation docketing?
WIBTAH for telling my wife that she cannot touch any money I make from my part time job?