Enough Is Enough. Let’s Leave Verizon.
Anyone Know Where To Source This?
365 backups
script to join domain
Threatlocker install corrupts browser extensions?
Custom DNS names?
When off-boarding a client, what is your policy about handing over customer backup data?
S1, Huntress, and Webroot?
Enterprise Firewall, teeny tiny office
👋 Chat feature depreciation
Who is alive at Atera? Can’t get any response from anyone on sales/support/success/account manager.
Will the Site Manager Portal Get More IT Management Features for Easier Multi-Client?
What separates the good MSPs from the bad MSPs?
New client approaches, wants IT support, networking guidance and to send 50,000 emails a day without getting blocked. Any ideas on the last part? They're in recruitment.
Build a Feature with the Hudu Team: Unifi Integration
Is anyone using the Chat function in Atera?
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