Was Jessica Sam’s soulmate?
What do you think of Henry Winchester?
Them finally having a place to call home means so much to me
What happened to Mark Sheppard?
If you blame one you have to blame the other too
Name one ghost/monster/supernatural being that you’d never want to come across
Best BTS song starting with M
Do you think that Sam and Dean really missed each other while Sam was away at college?
Honest thoughts and opinions about season 1?
Am I the only one who disliked grandpa Samual??
What to do with Cas?
Whats a plotline u felt was unneccessary?
Name a character that at first you kinda liked but then ended up hating.
Who's a character that grew on you over time?
Thoughts on the pilot while rewatching
Sam is pissing me off
When do the jokes start rollin?
Which of Dean's love interests do you feel would have been the best overall endgame fit for him?
“We tried every magical way to bring her back but we can’t”?
What character did you initially hated but later grew on you? Or did you feel lukewarm about a character only to find yourself liking them later on?
Which character do you hate the most?
Do you think Dean would have ever forgiven Castiel? (Spoiler 13 season).
I love Dean, but sometimes he doesn't make it easy
After School Special (S4,E13) why Dean was the best big brother in this episode 😍
What's the most wholesome moment of the show in your eyes? ❤️