Welcome to GermanyNow
German migration bill fails amid storm of controversy – DW
I won't ever apeak German
Körperverletzung im Amt - Polizist zu 7.200 Euro Geldstrafe verurteilt
AITH for briefly kissing/blowing my roommate/ex FWB‘s friend
„Tod den Juden, Destroy Israel!“: Männer bedrohen Kneipenwirt in Berlin und randalieren – „Diesmal waren es keine linken Studenten“
Spotted in Friedrichshain
What is it about Berlin?
I don’t know anyone who supports AfD, so where does all their backing come from?
Are you worried by the elections?
We're from the UK and just wondering how racist Germany is?
To all non-white immigrants: how do you feel in the current context?
Bundestag votes in favor of the CDU/CSU's five-point plan on migration
Dickhead mentality of some doctors!!
Queer gentrification in Schöneberg area
Do Europeans not like circumcised cock?
I'm trying to get this course since september, I'm devastated right now..
Please please take your backpacks off on busy trains.
Russia destroyed my hometown
Herrmannplatz is place in Berlin to visit to really understand
Lost a box near Chauseestr, what to do?
Demo "Lichtermeer der Hoffnung gegen Rechtsextremismus"
Not attractive to my body type
Dangerous places to avoid in Berlin?
Masculine gay men, how often have you been told that you don’t “act gay” or that you “act straight”?