I've been using custom tattoos to punish sims I don't like.
Was Jessica Sam’s soulmate?
Help my friends name their newborn
Nicholas Brendon or Adam Brody or Dylan O'brien
Please tell me I’m not insane
IG Username Ideas?
These Scars Should Have Been Permanent
Did you reuse first baby’s potential name?
I’ve never seen the show, ask me a question and I’ll reply as if I know the answer
How does "Dorka" sound for native english speakers?
The most voted attractive celebs according to R/celebreddits, (a male oriented subreddit) do you agree with this list?
Thoughts on Annalise
sofia coppola’s daughter romy mars
tell me nicknames
Who do you think is the prettiest actress below 30?
How would you pronounce the name Eugenia? And how many syllables?
who did you wish stayed alive for a little longer?
Challenge: spell your names as tragedeighs
Who was Sam feeling like in season 8
selena gomez 2025
Sag Awards looks. Rate them
We know people with all our favourite boy names
Which sim is your mortal enemy? I'll go first.
Would you give her a 7 or an 8?
scully and hitchcock