Candy Corn is good
What did you do to take your art to the next level?
What is the order of personality systems describing you the best?
enneagram is just a joke..
Who u voting for?
Season 6 is bad. Also season 6:
adhd & subtitles: fight
Type 7, do you ever feel this way?
How different Enneagram types react to being offered a hug
Mods need to address the obvious transphobia
What is your type and which one are you (or both, or neither?)
Which type makes you like this?
How far back in age did you display core characteristics of your type?
How to figure out your instinctual stack when you are asexual
What are the differences between being sp-blind, sx-blind, and so-blind?
Relationships and Compatibility
Flowers for Sandy
Slugstronaut to infinity and beyond! 🐌 Which one do you like the most?:)
I've been seeing these posts recently so I decided to do one; who's the fan favourite?
What is your type and how comfortable are you around people who don’t share your views on issues that are important to you?
which one are you taking?
Remember this Splatfest? Fancy vs Costume Party sketch!
Any advice for someone who has a low tolerance to pain and thinking about getting a tattoo?
What show is made for adults, watched by kids?