Literal shitpost
❤️Massive Giveaway, Thanks, and Goodbye. Read Desc❤️
dealing with a bunch of stuff rn could use a word of kindness <3
Valentine’s Day Giveaway Contest
Saw a Final Fantasy version of this so I wanted to make a Tales themed one.
LF Shiny Female Heracross and Shiny Hisui Voltorb
LF: Shiny Aegislash Line FT: Refer to description/Pic
Contest prizes: 2 x Shiny Spinda/2 x Hisuian Zoroark
LF: finishing up shiny tracker, FT: pics
631916478816 local w me
Mega Evo Giveaway Rules in the comments
Contest Prizes: Shiny H.Zorua/Panpour/Spinda
LF: Shiny offers (please read description)
Hosting Saree Pikachu Raids
A Shiny Spinda in a Love Ball
Giveaway: A Shiny Spinda
Mega M 224220028898
146329451669 Mega Mawile on me 10 local4 from Japan
Shiny Pokémon giveaway look in the description~
mawile 920767344431
What Glee Song Matches This Mood? 😂🤪
Who was your first bachelor/bachelorete you married in the games?
[Discussion] I made a simple Graphic to fill with your shiny Pokémon experiences, here is mine as an example.
Mega Lucario Raid day on me doing 20+ raids four locals 4404 0972 2661