Does anyone else make themselves an order in the app because of your craving but abandon it because you can't afford it
What 6th Grader is the Jazz front office scouting out with that pick swap?
What do you think the Air Tome pages will be called?
I actually love Boolossus and his boss fight!
Epic game!!
How are you guys playing Luigi's Mansion.
For Those Debating over T7 Relics...
Never seen this before. Probably not legit right?
Is this the season we finally see LESS mankey, grimer, koffing and machops?
Tik-Tok Jad
Nobody talks about Yellow Edition
Did Niantic make it permanent?
Feedback Post: Pokémon GO Wild Area: Global 2024 - Day 2
Am I reading this wrong or does the math not add up correctly?
I remember seeing this a few years ago, but has there been any progress on adding the 155mm Howitzer Dwarf Cannon upgrade kit to clue scrolls?
[Suggestion] United States of America Expansion
There are now over 100,000 players who got the Infernal Cape
Strangest Order I’ve had in my career.
FT: 300 Drilbur and 70 Awrodactyl
Offering Drilbur and Aerodactyl
Rate my trade list🥰
Worsening knee pain over the knee cap when I stand up or when I walk up stairs.
Knee Pain 28 M 195lb
Walmarts Shitty Sunday Energy drink section what would you grab?
Jesus Christ, go easy on me Jagex!