My gf hits me when I sleep because I snore
Is it so wrong to get some SD time while on vacation in Hawaii?
Bring him back for the next Runefest lmao. He's so good with the crowd.
Does anyone know if this is coused by hdos, and if so how do i disable those messages?
Men, how do you get rid of an unwanted boner?
How much is your Steam account worth?
Damn i got 2 Tomes, and the Barrel B2b!
Everything You Need In 1 Tab
Fucking cameras everywhere
Super Easy Money Making Method For Begginers
Solo Wintertodt is really good for points lol, not sure if i am overdoing this but it's fun.
Is This Log Worthy of My First Ever Reddit Post
What's the best thing to waste money on?
Iedereen vindt Tosti maar een stomme naam voor een kat en ik wil bewijzen dat het erger kan! DUS! Wat is de stomste kattennaam die je al voorbij hebt zien komen?
Look guys i found Bob Ross
Ik heb een bonus gekregen en snap niet waarom.
MBO 4 OP MIJN 30e..
How do I drive him crazy?
Draw me…and my bow!
Creep at Melbourne show (night 2)
Being tall feeds that ego
Bied hij nou op zichzelf?
Started account today. Is this as rare as I think it is?
My Christmas present