No Killzone Armor today????
We need this cool stuff add into game tbh
My reaction about the leaked Jar-5 Dominator Gas variant
the W.A.S.P is great
Will I lose anything in fighting boss TzKal-Zuk?
Heavy Pen Rifle when?
The body changing bug still not fix after 10 months...
The Maus gun needs a buff.
Returning player - RS3 is more fun to me so why's it "dying"?
Maus Line players and average Maus lover: :'(
Same Tank shape, same design, but weak turret and weak gun than a premium tank.
Maus Nowdays
Is the maus worth it?
Maus Turret need a buff tbh
My feels when I have Quickhatch
The hardest choice I've ever made in RuneScape.
nostalgia screenshot when I first time to create my character in 2022.
The Teatime Max Pack used to be 100 usd in the past...
Should I only wear Varrock armor If I already have a full set of golden mining outfit in bank?
Just look at Concord failure, Will OSRS be next?
First time to join P2P, wanna to leveling ranged to 99, any suggestion?
Is old Minecraft really better than now?
[Vault] is this a good vault layout?
Am I the only one concerned/disliking the change of style and added "flashiness" in Retold? It completely misses the AoM vibe.
Look familiar?