The Perfect is the Enemy of the Submitted
Use hanks they said. It'll be fun they said.
Have you tried writing paper drafts by hand?
Is a Dress Shirt and Slacks Enough for Second Look?
Knit Picks Stroll wool smells after blocking?
What to wear to second look - girls
Do you weigh your yarn to know how much is left?
How would you list presentations/awards from the MSTP on ERAS if you drop out of the MSTP?
Best tools for sock knitting
What do you all ask at the end of the interviews? I am always so confused till the end.
gap year or apply straight through? (desperate cry for help)
Afterthought heel (waste yarn)/ Peasant heel
Who has their first project of 2025 picked out and what is it?
Continue or start over?
What am I doing wrong with the thumb on this mitten?
I know nothing about knitting :D
“I wish him success in whatever speciality he chooses “
Nervous to go down in needle size
How do you think this was made?
What to do if asked illegal/inappropriate personal questions
Weird to send a thank you email if it’s been 10 days since interviewing?
Am I ready? Test tomorrow
How much money did you spend on yarn this year?
How do ya’ll review a block in one hour?
Should I frog this?