Where are there more rats-New York City, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Cleveland, Miami, Houston, Seattle, Los Angeles or some other US city?
What are your thoughts about ending Daylight Savings Time, and moving the USA to only two timezones (Merge Pacific/Mountain and Central/Eastern)?
If you could have lunch with your younger self what advice would you share?
What can cause a bleach like smell in the air?
What is considered normal but you are ashamed of it?
What are the small things that just annoy you to no end?
Redditors, how do you feel about AskReddit being filled entirely by political questions?
How did your lucky item, such as clothes, hairpin, cuddly toy etc., earn it's reputation?
UK here. Last week the USA was our strongest ally, yet now we are preparing to line up against them. What the hell is happening?
Actual real life scientists and researchers what are your concerns about the future regarding the findings of your respective field research considering how much industries are being affected by geopolitics lately?
Why do you think so many repetitive posts show up in like every midsize/large subreddit?
What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
Why do you mainly use artificial intelligence?
Which actor do you like more?
What is the most delicious but most annoying food to eat?
In your opinion who is an underrated actor/actress?
What is a seasonal food treat you look forward to each year?
What's the worst video ad you've seen?
What is the ultimate snack?
To those that fall asleep easily and anywhere, what’s the secret?
The SUVs on sale are extremely expensive. When will the SUV craze end?
If you could force your kids to do one thing, what would it be?
What was your favorite subject in school? Has it been useful in adulthood?
Bottoming out during the pentatonic?
Why do you think there is such a big obesity problem in the United States?