I got a lift to the eleventh floor, and as I got out, the operator said "Have a good day, son."
A pirate goes to the doctor and say, "I have moles on me back aaarrrghh."
Andy was sent to prison
6th cake day
Today is my 10th cakeday
First cake day! And, it’s on Groundhog Day…
My wife stopped me from taking my first bite at the restaurant, saying that we need to pray first.
What did the French groundhog see when he woke up this morning?
I miss this guy.
I thought of opening a treatment center for men with ejaculatory dysfunction.
NOT TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE..What do you call a man with no arms and legs trying to water Ski?
Happy National Gorilla Suit Day
20 blondes are looking to get into a dance club, but keep standing outside.
It’s my cake day!
2yrs !!
What do you call a Frenchman who has just been attacked by a cat?
Oh I have to return your tile do I?
When I had a heart attack, the doctor operating cut open my chest and used his hand to massage my aorta to get it flowing again.
What's the most sarcastic reply you've ever given?
Happy Cake day to me I guess!??
I asked Sam not to sing into his phone but...
quick 6 grand lets go