Moving to norway
Universities in Norway
Moving to Tromso for a PhD offer
Applying for PhDs
2 Aurora concert ticket
Social Life
What is the origin of this quote?
Couldn’t have said it better
Version 4.0
Ice fishing season is upon us
Quitting smoking
Attention! Ice throw
Attention! throwing ice!
Sex workers/ex-sex workers of reddit, Why did you decide to become a sex worker? have you regretted/hated being a sex worker? Do you think being a sex worker should be illegal/legal?
The criminals
Found in Munich, Germany
Where can someone find Hühnermägen (chicken gizzards) in Germany?
There is no break. Only work.
Catholic dorms
Quran is timeless, sound and complete?
Housing hall waiting times a bit...out of place?
Weekly Entering & Transitioning Thread | 14 Mar 2021 - 21 Mar 2021
Are you okay?
Weekly What Should I Buy Thread
Tourists! Visitors! International students! People with quick questions! This is your thread; post your questions here.