Thread for 2/10 EODs
Any non-Federal workers in here but want to stay up to date with fednews?
In response to 2% raise. FEDs underpaid.
The Hardest Part is Over
Could someone help me identify this fruit?
So, what are your plans for today?
Grew up poor and now I’m making six figures
Thoughts on if I should go for a Special Assistant detail?
Can someone explain the $69000 Annual Additions to me?
Fresno reference on z Crazy Exgirlfriend
coding classes for kids?
Daily FI discussion thread - Monday, January 25, 2021
Would anyone be interested in a SQL to Pandas translator?
About to graduate next year with an undergraduate degree in data science
Weekly Entering & Transitioning Thread | 03 May 2020 - 10 May 2020
mid class student struggling with $$$ i need help
a gal in EECS here to vent about men
AITA if I make my sister take out loans based on my mom’s wishes?
Do you have a data science portfolio website?
AITA for telling my daughter to stop acting like she’s married when she’s not?