My top tips for an Anti-consumption life
People who knew a killer, did you ever suspect they would do it? What happened?
How to Travel With Crochet Stuff via Airplane in the US
Dug this up in a church graveyard during renovation...
"IceTok" is *insane*
Foods that are staples in your house now; unheard of in your house as a kid?
What the actual…
TIFU Not Knowing Signs of Heart Attack
In crust we trust, but pray for this one : edit- after photo
Have you ever started a show and said “yep, this is my new comfort show.”
My mom is refusing to let my nephew go to an actual school when he's older because she "doesn't want him using a liter box"
8 page comic i made :3
Annoyed after having to clean my daughter’s vomit off of my new rug, I sent her to bed with a stern warning.
What would you do with a whole turkey and only 2 people to feed?
Rio has stolen the pocket to a sweater I'm working on to be her blanket apparently
M,24, straight, fresh outta the military, never lived alone before.yes my toilet glows in the dark.
How do those using reusable "non-paper" towels manage them?
Rio fell asleep while playing with some crochet. I think she's got her own little Afghan now
Why don’t we see popular characters walking around the wizarding world?
What’s a small habit that has saved you a surprising amount of money?
Aubrey Plaza Honors Late Husband Jeff Baena with a Tie-Dye Shirt at SNL's 50th Anniversary
Oh to be a kitten, tucked in for a nap after terrorizing the house for 4 hours
I crocheted a chicken for my fiancée
Mandatory Kitty Checkpoint!