The alien dudebros have been voted out by a massive majority, what's your next most disliked/least favorite antagonist?
Emergency! Call nine nine ___!
Describe your favourite song using just emojis
The father of your baby is actually what?
I got my first duplicate Micropet: Boopty. I was disappointed UNTIL I realized they do the same cute animation. Because they’re best friends.
Sad shit
I probably should’ve said gag that isn’t the blackface one since it’s the most iconic gag but it’s too late for that. What’s the best gag/scene in “Who Violenty Murdered Simon S. Salty”?
AIO: Took down my flag
Overly detailed shrimp man won best gag/scene. What’s the bestest scene/gag from “A Silly Halloween Special”?
Oh no! I can’t ___
I sell ______ for the CIA
Cant we all just ____?
What's the worst SOAD song to show to your parents?
She said she wanted cupcakes for Valentine's Day, so naturally I obliged
_________ will win the superbowl
Does anyone know why they made it so the individual members are listed as artists?
Pill and charl
nice try cubert and chicnstu. but we all knew chop suey would win. best “d” song?
Night, Day, it’s all Okay! The choice is yours! A cosmic buffet! (Day 3)
AIO boyfriend says this is inappropriate outfit
What did you name your baby?
Do you have a catchphrase everytime you buy a certain card? (Flushers, don't get mad, I'm a flusher myself)
one word 🥋
Sir i'm literally dating your son
Whats your favorite season 5 episode?