Do girls really prefer above average penis? How to cope?
I need help undestanding this statement. Set theory
Sometimes I wonder why I play at all
How many letters of permission do I need?
RECRUITING, TRAINING, & LIFE IN THE FORCES THREAD - Ask here about the Recruitment Process, Basic & Occupational Training, and other questions relating directly or indirectly to serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Stupid question, how do I effectively use Marksman Rifles
People who took Math 271 last semester, was there any curve at all?
Where on campus have the best water fountains?
Math 271 Assignment
Currently -35C in my city, how do I prevent my tires from popping out of the rim?
Having trouble understanding
Why the negation of the "and" is "or"
Campsites that provide free firewood?
Has anyone taken Calculus 2 at Athabasca?
File into dictionary?
Good progression to follow for learning the planche?
Feeling like I get close to solving a problem but not quite actually answering it correctly?
Where can I find tracing problems for practice?
How to make amount of times a loop will occur through user input?
It's taking me so long to finish exervises on repl and it's discouraging.
Noob question, do we pay for both Fall and Winter tuition at the same time?
Need to get into CPSC 217 but LEC spots are full, any chance spots will open before classes start?