I lowk slept on this song too hard
Spell Your Name With Radiohead songs
If you could pick one side of Kid A to listen to, which would it be?
I am not the only one who sees a face here, right?
I woke up in cold sweat and frantically wrote this down
what does my top 5 say about me?
Should i go for it?
If TPAB wasnt called TPAB, what would you call it?
Found this drawing I did of Carti back when WLR dropped
what y'all think?
I think I cooked with this one, what do you guys think?
My drawing of Thom Yorke 🙂
My drawing of Thom Yorke from Radiohead
Why do people low-key hate this song?
Do you think J. Cole raps about his rapping too much?
You have $12 to spend. Which albums are you buying?
What do you think is the best song to wake up to by Kendrick?
How much money should you be earning to be considered rich?
I needa figure out if I got diddled as a child
assuming Kendrick is your favorite rapper, who is your second favorite?
This is the greatest 10 song run in hip hop history IMO
In all seriousness what y'all got as career choices
You have a chance to choose one Radiohead song to listen to for the rest of your life. What would that song be?
Gap filler ideas. Something traditional.