Russia have now lost at least 1/3rd of their entire stock of T-72s
Su atėjusiu pavasariu!
Germans protesting the far right. Tens of thousands of them. Americans take note.
Lithuania does not take sides on Greenland issue – FM
Išdavystės baimė ir paranoja
Fico claims that a third of the protesters are Ukrainians. He sees no reason to resign: We are more experienced
Figure it out man
Gavrilovas turėjo paskyrą rusų socialiniame tinkle, joje – SSRS šlovinantis grojaraštis
Manau šitam subui tinkamas memas
The President of Finland & the Prime Ministers of Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Mette Frederiksens house. Quote: “We are not alone - We have several close allies with whom we share values”
Ramūs darbai be kvalifikacijos
Kainų logika. How the fuck?
Trump praises President Xi, says he looks forward to 'getting along with China'
Kaip vaflis mato Ukrainą
More war crimes comitted by ruZZian bastards... 😡😡😡
Kokios moterys patinka vyrams
Well he did it twice..
Toks elgesys- normalu?
Ar galvojate, kad Trumpas yra grėsmė Lietuvai?
65% of UK citizens deem Trump as a threat to Europe
Finnish soldiers, 1941
Russian soldier is hit by a drone drop and immediately commits suicide via grenade
Ukraine's military now totals 880,000 soldiers, facing 600,000 Russian troops, Kyiv claims
US excludes Lithuania from AI chip partners, imposes export controls
Two North Korean soldiers were captured by Ukrain. One was born in 2005, and the other in 1999. They said they thought it was a training