No till setup
Garden planning apps?
Nebraska has 50,000 open jobs employers can't fill. Immigration crackdowns could make it worse
The good ol' days
Pretty sure every woman in America has dated a Marine… once.
Are we all growing out of our “forever friends?”
Do you want to be buried, cremated, or be placed in a mausoleum after death?
What were some of the Christmas and birthday gifts that you got in the 90s and early 00s that warmed your Millennial heart?
Did you know someone who had this kind of TV back in the day?
Are there any happy marriages left or is it just me?
Class of 2005 was 20 years ago. are you going this year to your class reunion
No, I will not "crochet you something".
Millennials with bachelors degrees, was college worth it in retrospect?
Wife wants to give away our dog. I do not.
This is why I hate older movies
What smells bad, but kinda good?
Older millennials, are any of you guys hosting Christmas/holidays this year?
What horror movie traumatized you as a kid?
First film you cried at?
Has anyone never gone to a High School reunion?
How many millennials never played Pokemon or watched Sponge Bob?
It is the day before Thanksgiving! What are you doing today to prep?
Flip flops deemed not cool anymore?
Paper plates for Thanksgiving yes or no? My spouse and I are in disagreement over this issue. I’d love your thoughts?
Me at 18, "why would you go to a show and sit down?" Me at 38, "why would you go to a show where you couldn't sit down?"