What is a harsh reality of life everyone needs to hear?
Weird things your nparent does?
When I’m trying to explain something to someone only for them to cut me off & incorrectly guess what it is they think I’m gonna say next
What things make you feel appreciated?
How do you not feel so sad after a breakup?
LPT: If someone suggests yall get together, respond with “sure! When?”
"I don't need help." "*proceeds to 'help' me anyway*"
Does anyone have any cats that have lived long on friskies/fancy?
LPT: When looking at places to rent, if a potential landlord won’t give you a tour of the place unless you apply & sign that day… RUN!!
What’s a privilege people don’t realize they have?
I wish that USPS remotely cared
So, it should be a red flag to up and fire someone without notice
Why do you people insist on driving in my damn blindspot and matching speed whether I slow down or speed up?
What is the most looked down upon group of people who have done nothing wrong?
No response, is a response
What is a sentence you’ve had to say to your kid that you doubt anyone else has ever said?
LPT: Protect your time – don’t waste it on toxic people
Why do some big pees not feel very urgent and some tiny pees feel like you’re gonna owe yourself?
Why are all home printers garbage?
Are thank you cards not a thing anymore?
When people w/ depression shit on people who aren't depressed
People who don't understand peak hours at restaurants, fast food drive through and coffee shops
When people cannot give a straight answer as to whether or not they can commit to the plans made then get upset when you go without them.
LPT: If someone is being rude to you in a public setting (especially customer service), stay calm and confidently ask, ‘Are you okay?’ It flips the script instantly.
When you try to communicate with someone about a hurtful thing they said or did and they respond "you're just trying to pick a fight"