Damn 🤤
Anniversary gift for girlfriend who loves Man of Steel? $50-$300 budget
New to this coloring stuff
Is this okay to eat?
My boyfriend making me send him a video of our house cameras
299**** Logging Off
The Straws + Tips
What’s the worst mess you’ve ever had to clean up?
What is the most common activity that leads to sex?
Y’all… TWENTY pumps of chai?? 😭😭
Would you like some coffee with your sugar, sir?
Lady mad she burned her tongue
What fictional death are you still not over?
What taste overpowers everything else?
What's an unlikely food combination that slaps?
You can only listen to one band the rest of your life, who do you choose?
What the single best fight scene in a movie?
What show is forever going to be your comfort show?
Which movie can be identified by a single quote?
Your username is what awaits for You when You wake up the next day. How bad is the situation?
What is the greatest opening lyric of all time?
What is one thing you think everyone should experience in their lifetime? [serious]
A GenZ slang dictionary from a sociology prof [CAUTION: Google Drive link]