Which sight picture would my CZ P07 be sighted in with from the factory.
Padded electronics case.
Headcover for Squareback 2
Mountie Edge 2 or Spypoint Flex M?
Cell plan question
Streaming device other than phone
Which one would you recommend. The Evo is $50 more but includes some pellets and an extra magazine.
Which one would you recommend. The Evo is $50 more including some pellets and an extra magazine.
Under cabinet light wiring question.
Gamo Varmint vs Ruger Black hawk
Should I be concerned about this forearm area being off center?
Ruger American compact vs Winchester XPR compact
Buying a golf club on Facebook
I like this one my wife marked up for herself.
Favorite golf equipment brand and why?
Golf pride midsize vs. plus 4
High spin ball off the tee
Buying clubs on FB marketplace, is this safe?
PayPal requested outside of FB checkout for marketplace item.
Practice balls
When did you accept that you'll never be "good" at golf?
Deal or No Deal?…$15 to my door (eBay)
A girl agreed to a 2nd date, so i bought a new hybrid
Ever play with a guy that makes practice swing divots? Didn’t even know what to think
I live in Minnesota and am looking to road trip to Iowa for a birthday golf trip. Does anyone know how to find what courses are open? My Google searches haven't been producing results.