Studio One Sound Quality
Julgransflygning över Stockholms slott med JAS 39 Gripen
I can't distinguish waves after Studio One 7 Update unless I click them. Is there any color settings or something to change this blueish wave colors?
Why aren’t they called “North Sudan”. Wrong answers only…
Should I pull the plug and buy Superior drummer 3?
A basic acoustic cover of Another Day at a friend’s place. Should I develop this more?
iZotope Ozone 11 Standard is on sale. Is it worth getting?
British Enjoying a day at the Yarmouth Beach in 1875
Songs That Fit This Vive?
Limiter settings question!
~15 years ago i chopped off half my index finger and put my guitars in storage due to extreme nerve damage. 10month ago i got them out and started conditioning my nub. Here is where I am at. I fall apart about 3:30 due to wrist fatigue from extreme angle [PLAY]
Jerusalem, 1897, colorized. The closest thing to a time machine that we have.
Is Annual better than just Studio One Pro Perpetual License
Anyone else experience issues creating tickets in My Presonus?
How do I access the Noise Design?
My first build!
Tracks are greyed out and muted.
So I've had this problem when I was using Studio one and pressed a instrument track it triggered the record button, but not on an audio track. I now know the fix!
Last time I saw Portnoy with Dream Theater, Stockholm 2009, The audio kept dying during Dance of Eternity, leading so some great and funny improv moments
Anyone know what brand guitar this is?
How come the one on the left and the one on the right are connected?
Studio one 7 upgrade confusion
Question: This was my granddads guitar, I was wondering if someone could tell me anything about it?
Går ni till jobbet om ni är förkylda?
I think they should down tune the old songs live