Best Time to DCA?
I had a dream that BTC dropped to 30k
Anyone Know Where To Source This?
Cheapest way to transfer crypto from Kraken to cold wallet
How long to put IBS into remission ?
There’s a dead moth in my Cadbury’s chocolate
Just looking for your two cents on what I purchased..
My ISP sucks and is trying to charge me for a technician visit. I'm getting 25 mbps download when I'm paying for 500 mbps.
What is a "gaming port" ?
Just joined
Favorite live tracks?
New Features / Roadmap?
This massive tadpole with a hormonal imbalance that looks like D'artagnan
ATH-R70XA, an amazing successor
Healing extreme IBS with carnivore
Beginner here - if I had 100k, should I invest it all at once or DCA?
Just as good as they say
PlayStation 6 chip design is nearing completion as Sony and AMD partnership forges ahead | AMD Zen 6 and 3D V-Cache could power the next generation of PlayStation
Spread increases after 1 week of DCA?
How do you convince your family Bitcoin isn’t a scam?
2 Years in and still no end game in sight!
Got the ATH-R70x for $150 (with the box) and gonna let my Focal Clears go
Best mastered albums?
my girlfriend’s new meds are spherical
Hot chocolate