I've set my server to premium maps, if you want an alternative to skills and kills join up. Server name is !OnlyField NA
What anime started off peak but fell off hard?
RU team VS one fpv drone
Sorry, but Hasbulla is Right 😫
Weird Hate(?) Mail.
Delusions of *some* pub pilots: This person complains that I am using 20mm on my Stealth Jet (a common thing among pilots- plus it's harder to strafe infy with it, unlike his 25mm). It's also not like he's getting any angles on me lol.
This Game hates me
BF4 doing everything in it's power to make sure the Coyote optic is the last possible unlock you get
Is there any hope?
Get an airbag vest
Is anyone willing to help me get the MPX?
Can the game run on a 4060 rtx?
''Sexy man pose''
My whole squad got kicked for playing the game tactically, THC locker addicts 2
Server settings stuck, and I can’t change them! Help!
Elysium admin please grow up!
Killing Streak Stopped with Style
Siege of Shanghai TDM rooftop?? (Xbox)
How do I get players to my server?
Just got game: "You have been kicked by Punkbuster"?
Quick little triple headshot play with 338-Recon (why does it sound so satisfying)
Dude...yk why...
A friend of one of my acquaintances with over 7900h is the king of WALL-E. Beat this record now.
[WCHB] MOD Warsaw Revamped BF4 - [Preview] of physics for Helicopters