Finally made a deck where Mesprit is playable
Grass Decks With Smackdown Release
Important announcement from Kanade
which pack to pull on from a mrta perspective? palkia vs dialga
Please explain these cards
Gengar as anti-Cyrus/Dawn/Cynthia?
Gengar ex causing battle to freeze
How are new player meant to keep up?
OK ... so, im in Search of The Strongest Decks in the Game , in ur Guys Opinion what is The Strongest/Easiest to Play Decks u know?
I finally did it, I collected the Fat Pikachu from the Base Set in every language available to PTCGP with trading only!
Is this song a new take of something retro ? because i swear i must hear this melody part somewhere
Hate the Meta?
GHS 1tappy retires from competitive APEX
Rina or Grace for 300 standard banner agent pick?
What happened to CR?
Our diamond in the rough
Looking for ideas for a lake trio deck
Porygon-Z Troll Deck
dialga ex deck suggestion
New Set Quick Analysis: Most Popular Cards, by Percentage of Successful* Tournament Decks Running At Least One
PSA: If your opponent is using Leafeon, don't Sabrina/Cyrus them after they attack.
Any suggestions to make a good fossil deck?
Finally reached 300 in Standard Banner. Who would you suggest to pick?
New OP Meta Deck 💦
I know people tend to prefer the 2D artworks, but I think the CGI 2 Stars look really good this set as well