Forbidden West has the best implementation of water in gaming, hands down
What happened to the headmaster of Chambers?
Is call of the mountain worth it?
Gift idea from a depressed friend
Checking in - what's going on?
Gift for depressed friend
Zero Dawn Remastered Pre Load
My sim just got catfished 😭
Kid's simology panel bugs everything out, help!
Office renovation - what office?!
Let's be completely honest: Will it ever gets ACTUALLY better?
NG+ too hard
Please explain how this happened/what it means.
Does a switch ever flip where you just HATE yourself for a moment?
struggling with the thoughts
Favourite person abandoned me after a suicide attempt.
What’s your biggest trigger?
What meds are you currently taking?
Meta business suite facebook stories in wrong order
support group on zoom?
I need advice on recovery
Going from super sad emotions to nothing at all in the matter of minutes
Do you have any rules to keep safe?
Why do I keep self sabotashing?
DAE struggle to keep their room clean?