Why are Pokémon achievements so inconsistent?
Olympias trailer got more views in 3 days, than Etalus trailer got in 2 months. Seems people are more hyped for her than i thought, lol.
Quick question for those who have the matte black - does this happen at all over time?
Ranked Elo Distribution for the last 28 days
Thoughts on Modded Classic Etalus?
Black & pink Etalus skin?
New to rivals and plat fighters! why is everyone so toxic...
Today i finished the demo for the first time, turns out being a unbearable gobstopper is great!
What's the best way to say "Yo, that was sick" to your opponent mid game?
Being able to switch event tracks is awesome
Is there anyway to get more color palettes on custom skins?
Why hasn't there been any new color palattes since launch?
PSA: No one cares if you have the emblem
Demo-winning builds
New player here, coming from a long history with Magic. I have a question.
I'm quitting the game. Anybody else feel like this?
I'm Tired of Watching Coin Flips
Worth getting hall effect joysticks for this game?
When the game tries to render an explosion at the same time some electricity is happening there it makes a semi permanent distortion on how the game is displayed. Quitting and going back solves it but it is really annoying when there's a lot of explodie boys around.
I’m no longer having fun.
What controller does everyone play with?
New Weezing Hypno Greninja - Ultimate Lock Guide!
Is Bannerlord worth it?
Is there any way my potato computer can run Rivals 2?
How willing is the Rivals cast to pose for the Annual Charity Pinup Calendar?