Is it inappropriate to take baby to do outdoor activities if they have a cough/runny nose?
When did you know it was time to sleep train?
What is something that people believe is healthy but it's not?
Tall baby changing table problems…
When you hear Frankie, do you think feminine or masculine?
Do you freely tell people your age?
In-laws repeatedly need reminding not kiss the baby
What size diapers should I buy up to?
What's a cheap place to buy bedding? I've been using the same bedsheets I've had for over 20 years. Need some new ones.
Why is it all so bloody pretentious?
Am I overreacting?
What’s your favorite snack company?
What is the weirdest thing a student has accidentally brought to school in their back pack?
Why are baby farts so hilarious?
I just want my body back
Phone Conversations
How important is it for you to live near family while raising a family??
my mom kissed my baby
Look at her hair!!!
Tips on getting your contact napper to go down in the crib?
What was your baby’s first food?
How many have given up on having kids?
Bad body image after birth
Comments about milk quality
How are you all surviving without sleep