(S8E10) Ben and Sara's shared politics
Uncles and long-distance uncles of Reddit: When might be an ideal nephew age for me to relocate away from them and still maintain a bond?
Time for a 46 episode Frederick Wiseman miniseries
Interesting data here: 2024 was another slow post-pandemic year for the US domestic box office
2024 was another slow post-pandemic year for the US domestic box office [OC]
Interesting data visuals here: 2024 was another slow post-pandemic year for the US domestic box office
My brother got me a 35mm Larry Crowne trailer for Christmas
What's the latest on the supposed $3.5B proposal for a Lake Shore Drive construction project? Is it going ahead or still unclear?
Chicago Blankies: The Straight Story on 35mm at the Siskel Film Center this December!
Hypnotic filmmakers?
Will Mexican Independence Day festivities likely continue tonight (Sunday) as well?
What's a place for a fun casual first date in West Loop?
August 19, 2024 – (H) A O P R T Y
Check out what movie's dead last here: 1990s Blockbusters I Haven't Seen, Ranked | Defector
How to keep an eye out for rep screenings?
Guys with nephews (and no kids of your own), do you hang out with them? What have been your favorite and least-favorite ages?
Those of you that live with a significant other that's not as into movies as you, how often are they watching with you vs. you watching on your own? Has that changed over time?
Robert Zemeckis’ "Here" Takes Place from a Single POV for Entire Runtime
What are David’s favorite movies?
Anyone in Chicago want a ticket to Seth Meyers this Friday 7pm?
Other podcasts about Furiosa?
Watching The Killer (2023) on Netflix… anyone have any idea where this scene 1h45min into the movie was filmed?
David Sims co-hosts a Mets podcast?!?
Google PMAX is finally going to be getting asset-level reporting! What other insights would you like to see in PMAX that you could learn from / help you optimize?
Google Marketing Live 2024
May 21, 2024 – (L) B E F I N U