Where’s the Pulp Fiction fans at?? Did you enjoy this film? Do you remember when it hit theaters?
How to decline a letter of recommendation request
Can You Say You Like Your Home Team?
What’s something you didn’t appreciate until later in life?
Gummy warms monsters energy
Only in NJ can you get this through DMV/MVC.
Is it bad when I have to ask myself, “is this normal?” It’s just training right?
How do you respond when a student insults you?
Sitting up with low tone
Favorite Xennial album go!
Do I have a job?
Winter grime, poor paint!
Do you think the plants smell like weed before flowers form?
Sounds like goodbye
If I can afford it, should I get a Saw Stop as a first table saw?
Fuel for burning?
Any ingenious ways to keep sap cold?
Stay up to date with your vaccinations
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
People in sales, how realistic was this meeting? Particularly 20 or more years ago.
AFM Disabler Good or Bad ?
They are saying it's cold here in central PA
Mn you need to listen to me about footwear.
Anyone else taking out their 2 stage for 2 inches of snow?
How Much Wood is Enough?