Guide to Win in Madagascar as the USA (v1.7.0a)
Do people in the mtg universe have an understanding of mana and its colors ?
Does it feel wrong for Hank and Merkert to get fired just because their closed one is a criminal ?
Why are there any humans still living on Innistrad??
I want better for Jerry, BUT
Jonas Venture Snr – A Complete History of the Villain of The Venture Bros (YouTube video)
wanted some feedback on this china map that my friends mod "napoleons legacy 1936" made while having this be a teaser, thoughts?
Why Salamancas didn't go after Nacho's father?
Does the Story of Job Contradict the Cain and Abel Story?
On average, how many hours are you playing DnD?
Coin vs the Prep team
Why didnt jesse have any push back
What was this place?
Why did Walter act as if he couldn't pay the ticket
Did the Capitol intend for Beetee to be the victor of the 75th games?
I know it’s a boring question but I’m a little curious. what would happen if a supe tried to put their own built in banana into a deep fryer at max temperature?
How possible do you think it is for people from the lower levels of Capitol society to become members of the Capitol elite?
President Alma Coin does not approve this meme
isn't it weird that they didn't check if she was dead?
Peacekeepers are they police or military
Why Did Victor and Tyrus Stay Loyal to Gus Till the End?
How many people do you imagine a “pop” is?
What is the likely future of the main cast after the movie ends?
Why did the gamemakers put mockingjays in the first arena?
Did the rebels need the capitol?