Crazy? I was crazy once.
So this happened
Sory guys, but my fav character was Strider
The unseen enemy is the deadliest
I found the best quest reward in the game (No spoilers). What a jam!!
After nearly 5 years of playtime, I finally hit max rank in MCC. ‘‘Twas a helluva fun grind.
Halo MCC Retirement
Sir something's wrong with your tank.... (someome pls explain)
What is the Miscellaneous quest icon supposed to be ?
I love all the original voices and prefer them over most localisations, but French Ocheeva I think wins over the original; there's just something sinister about the way she speaks
Something Quick I Made For The Anniversary. Happy 20th, Halo 2!
Can anyone explain the lore to me?
Finally got to tour 11 in MCC after 2 and a half years
Fuck my life i guess
Can you be evil in this game?
Nick's kidnapper?
Guys in the video I captured a image of the ghost that got Nik
I'm usually not one for sniping, but a well-zeroed Timberwolf is very nice at 600m...
Does anyone got that one dissapointed reaction image that's like these 2. Its a drawn image
Best heli takedown of my life - "well done" deserved!
Good Lord
Remember; back up HABs win games
there is no feeling beat this one
What is your favorite planet or moon in Kerbal Space Program?