Why do so many people have prejudiced/negative views of the physically disabled?
My son's kiss-delivery game: A fun and engaging way to burn off energy.
why are awards shows always hosted on sundays?
TIFU by Scaring the wrong person
IAE always bummed of all the light pollution and you can’t see all the stars at night?
TIL The Sonic Hedgehog protein, a signaling molecule in the human body that regulates embryonic development.
LPT: Use cookbooks meant for kids
(22F) What boundaries do I set with my boyfriend? (22M)
One of my desires was fulfilled on Friday and I can’t stop smiling
KoRn's James "Munky" Shaffer is in the fragrance business now
Three car accident and insurance says I'm 100% at fault even though the other car was tailing at high speed and hit first
Gojira Win Grammy for Best Metal Performance for Olympics Anthem “Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!)”
Why were spiders not considered one of China’s “Five Deadly Venoms”?
Little Billy is walking through the hallway of the house at night, and hears loud sounds coming from his parents bedroom...
Eli5: how does a smartphone determine the battery level without directly measuring it?
ELI5: How can Coca-Cola and Pepsi put each other products in commercials but movies try to hide the brand of product?
ELI5: why do buttons and zippers on women’s clothes go one way and the other way on men’s?
ELI5: Why do kids have a lot more energy than adults?
ELI5: Why is TSMC having trouble building new factories outside of Taiwan?
ELI5: How do SSRIs work in our bodies and brains?
ELI5 how the intestines can push out gas against gravity.
ELI5: Why do orthodontists go through so much more training than dentists?
ELI5: why are some tablets smaller than others when active ingredient weight is the same?
AITA; for confronting my Father and his girlfriend about their loud sex?
ELI5: Why is cancer so common in organs related to reproduction?