Warning: The next Monsterverse film may have already been leaked!
Tobias won the last one. Finally, who's a character who is hated by fans and is a horrible person?
Final wars vs Heisei Godzilla. Who definitively wins?
What if these two swapped universes?
Why do people think shin Godzilla would’ve become a lovecraftian god?
Chibi Mothra is a fujoshi
Reddit Rates Pokémon Ships Results (300+ People and Myself)
Why are these two films in the franchise the only ones that get mentioned on TikTok? Why are other installments like the heisei or millennium series so overlooked there?
Once Again, Making a Poll about Reddit’s Opinion on Pokémon Ships
Would 2005 Kong (Scaled up) be stronger than MV Kong?
Where does movie godzilla scale?
Godzilla Evolved's Fortnite Loading screen uses an altered photo of the 2019 KOTM press tour statue
It's a tradition at this point (OC)
Which fan made Destroyah design is your favorite?
Knowing Giant Condor is among the weakest of Kaijus, what's one good thing you can say about him?
May someone tell me why did they make this artwork?
There's some reason why I don't like Serena
What Is The Worst Showa Kaiju? The Most Commented Kaiju Will Be Included Tomorrow.
Ice age reference???
How I think each Legendary and Mythical Pokémon smells (Ultra Beasts and Lesser Paradox not included)
Millennium Kaiju with Pokémon types
I wish no hate on the female protagonists at all, but I’d like to see the male protagonists also get some attention.
What are Ash Pikachus best feats?
Who wins?
I am actually confused on how strong Lugia is actually in the anime universe