Buy 2 get 2 free?? Yes pls!
Favorited places are shirts/pants
Random wagon in the woods
Anyone else get slammed right before the snow?
Size too small or vertically stretched?
Which team are you.? Team Vans or team converse. No shit talking gatekeeper bullshit.
Jay in dti
Us after Cory ended his streak before it's started
How to check someone's profile in VRChat without getting noticed.
I'm making an avatar base with a "secret speech" system, where only users with the avatar can understand each other!
This absolute unit of an order from November
What’s your favorite quote of Jay?
Songs with whistling?
who was ur inspo for stretching ur ears?
How often do you sing this song?
Someone ordered $1k worth of sub platters
The evolution of my setup (2019-2024)
Someone ate these hotdogs and shoved them back on the shelf
Swollen taste buds from dealing with dry mouth
Songs that have “1, 2, 3, 4” or “4, 3, 2, 1” somewhere in the lyrics
Help me make a clock
How long have yall been watching jay??
Game name?
Does anyone know where Catherine (game series) went?