How could some Campaigns have hundreds os sessions?
Favorite "un-optimized" build?
Help me build my Bladesinger
Paladin hexblade bard build
I got a permanent 5 ft movement speed, how to use this?
Any legit hobbies for a depressed young adult?
Your most insane DnD 5e 2024 meele builds?
Min/Maxxers I Summon Thee!... plz
Descent into Avernus opinions?
Ranged Ancestral Guardian? An absolute menace ranged tank.
DM makes player lose 10 WIS score.
Bag of Holding Idea Help.
I wanna start using Watson, any tips or main things I should be using / taking advantage of?
W or L banner
Why select to save your own soul?
“Brand new to MnK, sorry folks, I will be terrible”. I appreciate the kindness ❤️
no one showed up :(
What’s your party name(s)?
What is the highest damage rogue multiclass build
Best thing to combine with a Swashbuckler rogue?
Different ways of optimizing spells known as a sorcerer?
Caster OP build without multiclassing?
When to multiclass abberant mind sorcerer
Action booming blade, bonus action dissonant whispers, reaction booming blade.
In which ways can I get permanent advantage or advantage as a reaction on WIS saves?