A cool guide which ranks the greatest TV shows of all time.
Osprey 26+6 is not personal item compliant if you pack 26 litres (Air Canada / WestJet)
How long to chop some celery and a carrot?!
I’ve discovered there are two types of merch collectors:
Imagine having a girlfriend this insane. She needs serious help.
Self worship and magick
Call your senators today
Am I the first one to do this? Far from that, but I don't care. My journey is finally over.
Is it normal to walk around in cowboy hats?
A final Big Blue update, complete with apology fabric
I unironically enjoy Rebel Moon: Director's Cut a lot (yeah...insult me plz). So I wanna know if there's any more silly but fun sci-fi, Star Wars-esque, space oprea/space samurai movies like this you would recommend?
Struggling with my atheist/witch identity
How do I compare to folks in this group?
We named him Stir Fry because we said he was all mixed up...
Thinking of adding in some beige curtains.. Thoughts?
say sike rn…
Best business casual walking shoes for wider feet?
New pup rescued this October. Went from being chased by Coyotes along the Rio Grande to bully sticks and bed hogging
The rescue place said Cami is a “sport mix” 🙄
Is this rare???
Ideas to use up lemon
A cracker.
How Trends Start
Dying climbing harness??
Some names of the kids in a family of 15 kids