You ENTPs are……something😆 so I have a question for y’all.
Rival MT10 with Pro4 SC10 chassis and other mods: Full send race basher
Is Associated just phoning it in these days?
Not all ENTPs are edgy controversial buttheads
Gonna fake myself as an ENTP, so Help me !
What's most stereotypically entp thing you have dobe
Share your projects and/or hobbies
What I learned about laziness/procrastination as ENTP/adhd person who struggles with this a lot
Has anyone here ever experienced a moment of satisfying Fe?
Older ENTPs, what is your advice to younger ENTPs?
Does the ‘Carrot & Stick approach motivate you?
My experience dating an ENFP for 3.5 years
What was the MBTI of your SO in your first serious relationship?
What’s your “type”?
NE is the abundance mindset ?
best mentor for ENTP in the professional field
The Debater Stereotype and the truth behind it
Do you believe in free will?
How to not be caught up in your own thoughts?
I don't know how mad I can be ;((
Do you listen to music?
Lost my extroverted intuition completely after being treated with antipsychotics
I don't understand why entps are portrayed as villains for some. I think you guys are funny
Improvising songs about what you are doing or things you see?
Do you ever beat yourself up for screw ups?