Name a Ariana song and I’ll rate it from 1-10
Unite Patch Notes
What your favorite skin in game
Told you all Mewtwo X is in desperate need of buffs (btw it's real)
Shiny Hoopa Sticker by CyanConure
Save 3, the rest leave: Red album
Yours Truly 10th Anniversary edition is out!!!
Very thick Absol plot armor. Ft Keldeo7 & CyanConure [Long Video]
Cram’s we’re are consuming, not a full feast but we are consuming 🤌
Why do i hear boss music...?
*Tongue clicking* Ah come on…
Mimikyu’s moves’s renders, save the unite
Chinese beta leaks
Let's change the topic of "mewtwo is OP". What pokemon do you guys think is the most balanced?
Lets the Upvote/Downvote god decide the fate of the Pokemon (re-run)
Your cool bedroom based on your main, apart 3 (read caption)
We can 2v5 fr
Saw this great post by U/LucidFeverDreams , just had to do a minor readjustment to one of the rooms!
Api winrates last week
Your cool bedroom based on your main, part 2
I love using Talonflame ☺️
Who in your opinion is the easiest Pokemon to play?
I apologize to my Solo Q teammates. A true Pokémon unite horror story time
Omg theres a sale-