I am cheating on my abuser. And it feels so freeing.
I love you ☹️
Female rivalry in the workplace, has anyone experienced this?
Why don't men want my affection?
My boyfriend (28M) didn’t gift me (30F) anything for valentines
One of the cruelest things my ex narc did to me
What is something you learned about yourself from you last relationship?
Life is so peaceful when you are single
I’m a female and my female coworker seems to avoid me now why you think this is
can anyone relate to this?
can anyone relate to this feeling?
My (26F) BF (28M) is looking at OF models on IG?
Woke up to my bf playing with me is this rape? 24f 24m
Whats your story of why you didn’t leave?
To those who are free and healing right now: do you ever get angry or frustrated he hasn't faced any consequences?
27f 29m what do people this age do on a date?
Is anyone actually happy in their job?
Are people actually happy at work?
You’re in a room with Britney and she can sing one song for you acoustically. Which one would you pick?
A rare photo of Britney Spears and Monica. The year was 2007, a tough year for Brit Brit.
So angry and Fucking SICK OF CRYING when the breakup was FOUR YEARS AGO